Project Portfolio
GPO Exchange Project
Load 28 – AGI Glass Project
The GPO Exchange Project
Extensive design, planning and co-ordination was required for this project to complete the panel install in such a tight timeframe of 4 weeks.
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Lectus erat, consectetur eu sapien eget rhoncus consectetur sem. Proin cursus, dolor a mollis consectetur, risus dolor fermentum massa, a commodo elit dui sit amet risus. Maecenas ornare nisl a tortor ultrices bibendum.
Lectus erat, consectetur eu sapien eget rhoncus consectetur.
Information about project
As a company that has grown in the general crane hire space over the past 9 years, we are accustomed to servicing both big and small projects.
Regularly on a day to day basis we service residential projects that include lifting roof trusses and house building materials into job sites. Load 28 lifts on average 2 pools per weeks into residential backyards!
Our team is well experienced and diverse to asses a range of options when reviewing your project.
Our experience and equipment also makes us well suited to work on Large Scale commercial Tier 1 projects. Load 28 fulfill proddject based works on projects located in North Terrace, CBD like the Australian Health and Medical Centre Building, Health Innovation Building and SkyCity Casino Expansion Project.